journey mapping

7-Days of killer Journey Mapping Tips

Receive 7-days of free tips on how to level up your Journey Mapping skills with Gerry Scullion, founder of The Human Centered Design Network.

Photo of Gerry Scullion

Gerry Scullion is Founder of The Human Centered Design Network, home to the Number-1 Human Centered Design podcast and design community.

He contributed to the book ‘This is Service Design Doing’ (O’Reilly 2018) focusing on chapters about effective prototyping, and embedding Service Design teams within organisations alongside 200 service designers from around the globe.

He has over 21-years professional design experience across a range of industries such as finance, healthcare, media, public services, social media, fin-tech and both traditional and online publishing. From 2018 onwards, Gerry has mainly trained and coached organisations globally through his former business, This is Doing.

He is author of the 'Service Design for Executives' course on Pluralsight.

Gerry has held roles as Councillor for Ireland as well as NSW Convenor for Royal Society of Arts.

In 2022, Gerry signed a podcasting deal with Spotify. To date, This is HCD has been downloaded over 800,000 times and listened to in over 140-countries.

He regularly speaks at international design conferences, mainly focussing on how organisations can work to become more human-centered in their approach to designing services.

Learn about Journey Mapping

The free newsletter series cover topics such as;

  1. Building Trust
  2. Accessibility
  3. Focus
  4. Defining Zoom
  5. Retaining the state
  6. Size matters
  7. The Power of Visualisation

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